Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dec 09 2012

1. Move step by step in life. Take things on at a pace you can handle.
2. Always grow. Always keep moving. If you did one good thing yesterday, do two today. Your ultimate achievement is always one step ahead.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I don't believe in the higher learning institution business model of elitism, especially in this information era.Besides creating and fostering a system of classes, what else do they think they are fostering by trying to keep up "tradition"? What tradition? You can learn anything today from a tablet or IPAD. Knowledge is not a taboo anymore, nor reserved for those who can afford it. Today, knowledge and a good quality education, are at the reach of your fingertips, literally speaking.
If you think little details don't count, think about this.Takeoff of one of the Apollo missions was delayed due to a single, tiny loose component. The more momentous the mission, the more crucial the details. Which means, Every detail of this  world and of our mission upon it is essential. Nothing is without meaning. Nothing is without vital purpose.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Facebook...over rated?

Of course it is. Full of folks who just like to impress on others, either on the things they own, the vacations they take, the chicks they score or the hunks they score (you see, I like treating both sexes equally) or the vacation they took, or some blabber about stuff they think to know about. Got this friend who after obtaining an MBA from some online joint, and after visiting NASA a few times, believes and tries to make everyone else believe that he is the next Alan Greenspan or John Keynes of our time, or a Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin, to that matter. PLEASE! Get real, most folks on facebook are simple schmucks, no different that you or I to that matter.

a crappy day?

I have come to realize, a crappy day is as crapy as you want to make it. Dont blame others, just get out of the crap, clean it through and next time, watch out where you step on.

November 28 2012

I better stop wondering how come I am not as lucky as other people. After all, luck is relative to the chances of something the we wish happening at any given point in time.

My time, will come!

And i was thinking about this today...the times I think I have fallen

Jacob awoke from his sleep and said,
‘Surely God is in this place, and I did not
know.’” Jacob’s
vision had now come full
circle. As great as Jacob was, even he
hadn’t realized in the beginning how
great Mount Moriah was. It wasn’t until he
turned back that he came to understand
this. Truly, there is no place distant from
God; even if we think we are far, we are
mistaken. God showed Jacob that if we
do what we can, He will come to us. So
many times we think that we have fallen
away when, in actuality, we are being
tested in order to elevate us to a new
level of closeness. God is always here
waiting for
us. It’s up to us to take the firststep.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 01 2012 Racket, racket, racket

Racket, racket , racket, racket. So I walked into a local Title Boxing club gym, after so many emails promoting the place I said , what the heck let me take a look at it. They have dozens of heavy bags, a whopping 2 speed bags and...that's it. One huge boxing ring, which they do not use because they do not spar. What kind of boxing gym does not allow their embers to spar? Title boxing will be your answer.

Of course saw a couple of housewives pretending to receive boxing or kickboxing lessons for a prmotional fee of 59 dollars to enroll and 59 bucks a month, you get to warm up for 20 minutes, hit the heavy bags for a whopping 3 full rounds, that is 3 minutes each round with one minute in between of rest and cool down exercises for a grand total of 45 minutes of workout.

I went to a local sports shop, yes I will mention the name, free advertisement, Academy Sports and Outdoors and bought a heavy bag on sale  for 44 buck, plus hand wraps and heavy bag gloves all for less than 59 buck. I hung it on my backyard, and I can train for as long as I want every frigging day if I want. Now that is what I call a good value!

Oh, forgot to mention, I was a full contact karate fighter and kick boxer during from 1981 untill 1994, so mind me the "lessons".

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Job creation, by GOP standards....

I suppose every bible hugging red neck in the south have no problems with it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Is democracy a true tool of freedom?

If you ask anyone what is the ideal form of government, they will probably choose democracy. Of course, compared to communism, dictatorships, monarchies oligarchies, anarchism, I can sympathize with that idea.

Is it really such a great choice? Here, (following the dreadful and robotic IRAC format) In the United States,  millions of dollars, maybe billions, will be wasted this year to convince millions of people, most of them woefully ignorant of the candidates, issues, and policy choices, to pull one lever versus another — based entirely upon advertisements which willfully distort the opponent’s record and glorify the candidate’s own, and “news” reports whose partiality is obvious. If  you are not having second thoughts, let me remind you of a few instances of Democracy at it's "best": Egypt. The country just selected the Muslim Brotherhood, a “suspected” supporter of terrorism according to the US, to lead it. Gaza similarly elected Hamas, a murderous gang unquestionably in the same category. Venezuela elected soon to be defunct dictator and Latin America's best pariah, Hugo Chavez, and for that matter, Hitler ysv”z was elected democratically as well, I think I do not have much to say on the latter.

Oh, one last caveat, all those billions of dollars pulled in for political advertisement for your favorite beauty king contest, paid by Corporate interests which of course, will come to get their return on investment at your expense.

 Awww, democracy, can't have enough of it!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Becaureful who you vote for, don't let a speech blindside you

Affirmative Action and Laissez-Faire Racism

According to Walter Allen, affirmative action is an equal opportunity program that was widely implemented from 1965 to 1994. The program was designed to assist minorities and women in educational and career opportunities. Although the affirmative action program is primarily associated with the black community, it has been white females who have benefited most from the program noting significant gains in all areas of education, employment, and contracting.[13] Affirmative action has come under intense scrutiny for the past decade by those who don’t see a need for the program, often calling it reverse racism, that seeks to punish white people for the crimes of their ancestors. The color-blind ideals would make affirmative action unnecessary because it is based on the idea that we live in a society where race is neither acknowledged nor important. Color-blind enthusiasts often use the idea of meritocracy to oppose affirmative action programs. However, according to Dei, these ideas fail to accept the long history of racism that has left its imprint on the lives and opportunities of minorities in the United States. Many people who express the laissez-faire attitude towards racism oppose affirmative action; on the grounds it highlights racial differences in society when we should focus on making America more colorblind. These people assert that they believe in equal rights for minorities, but frown upon minorities who use these programs to get ahead.[14]

  1. ^
  2. ^ Walter R. Allen, Robert Teranishi, Gniesha Dinwiddie and Gloria Gonzalez. The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 69, No. 1/2, Knocking at Freedom's Door: Race, Equity, and Affirmative Action in U.S. Higher Education (Winter - Spring, 2000), pp. 3-11.

GOP Laissez Faire - Let Them Eat Cake

GOP Laissez Faire - Let Them Eat Cake

The Republicans believe President Obama, regulation and taxation are the devils which have brought our economy to its knees.   They want all three out of the picture.  The modern Laissez Faire, let business be business and the economy will recover on its' own.  Stop the taxation and regulation of business and get out of the way of a successful economy. Even though the facts, let me reiterate, THE FACTS do not show this to be true. Years and years of excellent economies under the same situations say so.
Unregulated business is why we have $3 plus gasoline.  Middlemen in the futures market gamble their money against their rich middlemen competitors and drive the prices above what they would be if delivered directly from source to market.  They never actually take possession of these commodities, modify or improve them.  They only gamble on the price to rise, which is inherent when any middleman comes into play, gambling against the other guy.  This is the reason, after the last collapse in the economy, the Dodd Frank Bill was passed.  To protect us from the same situations which caused the financial collapse.  Unfortunately the Laissez Faire Republicans have been blocking the appointment of the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Until someone is appointed, the agency is weak and ineffective.  We need this protection.
Here is a link to the brief version of the legislation which is law now
I urge you to read this document.  It is for the protection of all of us.  I urge you to contact our Senators and Congressional Representatives and let them know you want this bill enacted and a director confirmed.
The Republicans are letting the economy stagnate, rather than do something now to help the many U.S. citizens who have been hurt in the collapse. They feel confident the dumb public will not see it is just an effort to stop the re-election of President Obama, since their class of candidates is a bunch of lame idiots (with the exception of Congressman Paul).
They are all but saying out loud, "Let them eat cake".  I think every one of them should be recalled from congress, evicted from their government offices and run out of town on a splintered rail, and their Democratic partners/sympathizers with them.

Reblogged from

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feb 09 2012...Alberto Contador

Well I am now a believer in Karma. That 2010 Tour de France will be best known for Contador as the victory that was never meant. The infamous chain gate in which Alberto profited from. Have it not happened, would Alberto have won it anyway? That is arguable. But think about it, if not, he still ended up loosing it, 20 months after. It was not meant for him, simple. You can fool other riders, but you can't fool destiny.

In terms of the CAS decision, perhaps contradictory? They had reasonable doubt, but reasonable doubt is not good enough in a system in which the accused must prove he is innocent. They even provided Alberto with what would have been a more plausible defense...contaminated supplements, but not meat from a dead cow that nobody will be able to analyze. In my opinion his defense was a long shot, too good to be true, this food contamination defense made a pariah out of him

What I believe happened? Contador has a predisposition for respiratory problems, asthma. Clenbuterol is a broncho dilator, marketed as Spiropent and Ventipulmin (People with chronic breathing disorders such as asthma use this as a broncho dilator to make breathing easier) How do I know? I am a doctor! It is available in 0.01 or 0.02 mg per tablet as well as liquid preparations. That is also used for weight loss, sure, but that was not it's original intended use, it more like a repartitioning effect; its weight loss effects was discovered incidentally. It surprises me that absolutely nobody theorized his case from this angle: that he was experiencing some respiratory problems the days before the now famous positive test, used a small amount of it and got pinned.

No worries, he will be back in August, just in time to prepare himself for the Vuelta a Espana, were he will seek redemption, if you want to call redemption winning a race in your own homeland in which the RFCA (the Spanish Federation) threw the towel in for him to no avail.

Am I a fan of him? No. Am I a fan of Andy Schelck? Neither, remember he did not waited for Contador when Contador fell on the cobblestones on the same race, stage 3, so his call for foul play after the chain gate resound more with the tunes of a spoiled brat.

Sunday, January 1, 2012