Iran boasts that it is a signatory of the NPT, and uses that rationale to justify its nuclear program for peaceful purposes. Many states, and many analysts and pundits claim that as such , the State of Israel is overreacting and being paranoid over the recent agreement with the P5+1, exchanging modest sanctions for a reduction in their nuclear work. Is Israel really overreacting as a paranoid state and having a tantrum over the World's inability to listen to their concerns? Let us first look back in our recent history and see what it has to tell us.
The NPT is often seen to be based on a central bargain: “the NPT
non-nuclear-weapon states agree never to acquire nuclear weapons and the
NPT nuclear-weapon states in exchange agree to share the benefits of
peaceful nuclear technology and to pursue nuclear disarmament aimed at
the ultimate elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
Being a signatory to the NPT is meaningless, as good as used toilet
paper. Let me refresh the P5 + 1 dull memory...North Korea was a signatory of
the NPT, they ratified it in 1985. What happened in 2003? They announced
its withdrawal from the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. We all know what
happened afterwards.
North Korea ratified the treaty on 12 December 1985, but gave notice of
withdrawal from the treaty on 10 January 2003 following U.S. allegations
that it had started an illegal enriched uranium weapons program, and the U.S. subsequently stopping fuel oil shipments under the Agreed Framework.
Under the 1994 Agreed Framework, the U.S. government agreed to
facilitate the supply of two light water reactors to North Korea in
exchange for North Korean disarmament. which had resolved plutonium weapons issues in 1994. The withdrawal became effective 10 April 2003 making North Korea the first state ever to withdraw from the treaty. North Korea had once before announced withdrawal, on 12 March 1993, but suspended that notice before it came into effect.On 10 February 2005, North Korea publicly declared that it possessed nuclear weapons and pulled out of the six-party talks
hosted by China to find a diplomatic solution to the issue. "We had
already taken the resolute action of pulling out of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty and have manufactured nuclear arms for
self-defence to cope with the Bush administration's evermore undisguised
policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of
Korea]," a North Korean Foreign Ministry statement said regarding the
On 10 February 2005, North Korea publicly declared that it possessed nuclear weapons and pulled out of the six-party talks
hosted by China to find a diplomatic solution to the issue. "We had
already taken the resolute action of pulling out of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty and have manufactured nuclear arms for self-defense to cope with the Bush administration's evermore undisguised
policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of
Korea]," a North Korean Foreign Ministry statement said regarding the
issue.. (In other words to complete the construction and development of their first bomb, which will be detonated soon after.) On the next day North Korea reiterated its known view that until it is
supplied with a light water reactor it will not dismantle its nuclear
arsenal or rejoin the NPT.On 2 October 2006, the North Korean foreign minister announced that his
country was planning to conduct a nuclear test "in the future", although
it did not state when.On Monday, 9 October 2006 at 01:35:28 (UTC) the United States Geological Survey detected a magnitude 4.3 seismic event 70 km (43 mi) north of Kimchaek, North Korea indicating a nuclear test. The North Korean government announced shortly afterward that they had completed a successful underground test of a nuclear fission device.
In 2007, reports from Washington suggested that the 2002 CIA
reports stating that North Korea was developing an enriched uranium
weapons program, which led to North Korea leaving the NPT, had
overstated or misread the intelligence.
It does not take a Ph.D in political sciences to realize Iranians are using the North Korea play book.
In other words...why anyone with reasonable intelligence would not think that Iran will do EXACTLY the same? Buying time with "negotiations" that they well know, as much as any reasonable person knows after the North Korean program, are being help to complete the development and test of their first nuclear weapon and create a new arms race throughout the entire already volatile Middle East.
But what does President Barack Hussein Obama cares of? Being first? Being the First colored president of the United States of America, being the first recipient of a Nobel Peace prize even though he had NEVER done anything significant to promote or advance peace at a Global scale. And now is trying to be the First President to broke a deal between Israelis and Palestinians and achieve the illusory TWO-STATE solution, and of course, be the First U.S. President to "normalize" diplomatic relations with Iran.
That is what the American people elected, not once, but twice, A man who only cares to be in the annals of history as the First to achieve anything of any kind of significance or transcendence.
Credit for the information provided in this article goes to Wikipedia and their well credited references at the bottom of each article. My opinions are stated in Italics.