Scott Reed, senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce said “The need is now more than ever to elect people who understand
the free market and not silliness.”
We wish it was only silliness. The problem with the Tea Part group is that it is composed primarily by ideologue fanatics, no different from their Islamic extremist fanatics. In this instance, the Tea Party members preferred to launch the Nations credit rating into a spiral, which as a consequence would have brought in catastrophic effects on the world economies. But, what else to expect from a group that denies sciences and are bent on simply oppose anything that the current Administration brings in to the table? What else you can expect of a group composed of Extreme Right Wing Christian fanatics who want to trigger an Apocalyptic event that will bring the advent of the alleged "savior" of mankind? This is the tragedy of religious fanaticism when they are empowered with enough money to buy candidates and put them on key positions of our Constitutional Government. May G-d definitely have mercy upon us, those who prefer to find middle ground and compromise for the sake of our Country as a whole, not for the sake of one fringe ideal and the group that represents them.