Greetings to all, I have not touched the blog since March. I have been thinking how to re-tool it. After much thought, I arrived to the conclusion of just make comments on relevant news and events, and people, of course. So I changed the name of the blog...again.
What has happened since March? Pretty much a little bit about everything. Two maniacs planted some deadly bombs during the last mile of the Boston Marathon, totally despicable and sick. One got killed, the other one almost, and I expect him to rot in jail for the rest of his life. That was easy, unbiased reporting, right? No it was not, but I am sure it reflects the thoughts of many many people. Besides, I am not a reporter, I am a law student on his last year of school. Did I mentioned I also have a medical degree?
The IRS was caught in a major scandal for targeting Tea Party organizations. Nice move, whoever orchestrated that move should get the award for DUMBEST IDEA of the century. Granted Tea Party members are perceived as fanatics, ultra-conservative fanatics that are one notch below Charedi communities. But as in the case of my adorable Charedi counterparts, an eccentric belief does not warrant government persecution. We leave that to other governments, not ours.
Last but not least, there was a huge Tornado that ripped through Oklahoma. Unbelievable? Not at all, that area is prone to that, so in reality it was a matter of time before something of that magnitude could happen. Lots of lives lost, but we can't really blame anything or anybody. If there is a lesson learned from this is that we are mere mortals that somehow and sometimes refuse to deal with our mortality, especially when we are at the mercy of mother nature, whom we have developed an uncanny ability to underestimate. Time to rebuild, time to help, time to heal. Time to acknowledge our humanity.
Good night to all!!