Monday, December 9, 2013

History repeats itself, as recently as not even one decade apart

Iran boasts that it is a signatory of the NPT, and uses that rationale to justify its nuclear program for peaceful purposes. Many states, and many analysts and pundits claim that as such , the State of Israel is overreacting and being paranoid over the recent agreement with the P5+1, exchanging modest sanctions for a reduction in their nuclear work. Is Israel really overreacting as a paranoid state and having a tantrum over the World's inability to listen to their concerns? Let us first look back in our recent history and see what it has to tell us. 

The NPT is often seen to be based on a central bargain: “the NPT non-nuclear-weapon states agree never to acquire nuclear weapons and the NPT nuclear-weapon states in exchange agree to share the benefits of peaceful nuclear technology and to pursue nuclear disarmament aimed at the ultimate elimination of their nuclear arsenals.

Being a signatory to the NPT is meaningless, as good as used toilet paper. Let me refresh the P5 + 1 dull memory...North Korea was a signatory of the NPT, they ratified it in 1985. What happened in 2003? They announced its withdrawal from the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. We all know what happened afterwards. 

North Korea ratified the treaty on 12 December 1985, but gave notice of withdrawal from the treaty on 10 January 2003 following U.S. allegations that it had started an illegal enriched uranium weapons program, and the U.S. subsequently stopping fuel oil shipments under the Agreed Framework.

 Under the 1994 Agreed Framework, the U.S. government agreed to facilitate the supply of two light water reactors to North Korea in exchange for North Korean disarmament. which had resolved plutonium weapons issues in 1994. The withdrawal became effective 10 April 2003 making North Korea the first state ever to withdraw from the treaty. North Korea had once before announced withdrawal, on 12 March 1993, but suspended that notice before it came into effect.On 10 February 2005, North Korea publicly declared that it possessed nuclear weapons and pulled out of the six-party talks hosted by China to find a diplomatic solution to the issue. "We had already taken the resolute action of pulling out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and have manufactured nuclear arms for self-defence to cope with the Bush administration's evermore undisguised policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea]," a North Korean Foreign Ministry statement said regarding the issue.

On 10 February 2005, North Korea publicly declared that it possessed nuclear weapons and pulled out of the six-party talks hosted by China to find a diplomatic solution to the issue. "We had already taken the resolute action of pulling out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and have manufactured nuclear arms for self-defense to cope with the Bush administration's evermore undisguised policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea]," a North Korean Foreign Ministry statement said regarding the issue.. (In other words to complete the construction and development of their first bomb, which will be detonated soon after.) On the next day North Korea reiterated its known view that until it is supplied with a light water reactor it will not dismantle its nuclear arsenal or rejoin the NPT.On 2 October 2006, the North Korean foreign minister announced that his country was planning to conduct a nuclear test "in the future", although it did not state when.On Monday, 9 October 2006 at 01:35:28 (UTC) the United States Geological Survey detected a magnitude 4.3 seismic event 70 km (43 mi) north of Kimchaek, North Korea indicating a nuclear test. The North Korean government announced shortly afterward that they had completed a successful underground test of a nuclear fission device. In 2007, reports from Washington suggested that the 2002 CIA reports stating that North Korea was developing an enriched uranium weapons program, which led to North Korea leaving the NPT, had overstated or misread the intelligence.

It does not take a Ph.D in political sciences to realize Iranians are using the North Korea play book.
 In other words...why anyone with reasonable intelligence would not think that Iran will do EXACTLY the same? Buying time with "negotiations" that they well know, as much as any reasonable person knows after the North Korean program, are being help to complete the development and test of their first nuclear weapon and create a new arms race throughout the entire already volatile Middle East.

But what does President Barack Hussein Obama cares of? Being first? Being the First colored president of the United States of America, being the first recipient of a Nobel Peace prize even though he had NEVER done anything significant to promote or advance peace at a Global scale.  And now is trying to be the First President to broke a deal between Israelis and Palestinians and achieve the illusory TWO-STATE solution, and of course, be the First U.S. President to "normalize" diplomatic relations with Iran.

That is what the American people elected, not once, but twice,  A man who only cares to be in the annals of history as the First to achieve anything of any kind of significance or transcendence.

Credit for the information provided in this article goes to Wikipedia and their well credited references at the bottom of each article. My opinions are stated in Italics.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Republican Civil War Erupts: Business Groups v. Tea Party

  Scott Reed, senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said “The need is now more than ever to elect people who understand the free market and not silliness.”

We wish it was only silliness. The problem with the Tea Part group is that it is composed  primarily by ideologue fanatics, no different from their Islamic extremist fanatics. In this instance, the Tea Party members preferred to launch the Nations credit rating into a spiral, which as a consequence would have brought in catastrophic effects on the world economies. But, what else to expect from a group that denies sciences and are bent on simply oppose anything that the current Administration brings in to the table? What else you can expect of a group composed of Extreme Right Wing Christian fanatics who want to trigger an Apocalyptic event that will bring the advent of the alleged "savior" of mankind? This is the tragedy of religious fanaticism when they are empowered with enough money to buy candidates and put them on key positions of our Constitutional Government. May G-d definitely have mercy upon us, those who prefer to find middle ground and compromise for the sake of our Country as a whole, not for the sake of one fringe ideal and the group that represents them.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Obama et al. "civil rights" leadrers mum

"Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who both blasted Florida in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting and the acquittal of George Zimmerman in Martin's death, with Jackson calling it an "apartheid state" and "our Selma," have not spoken publicly of the brutal beating aboard a school bus caught on cellphone and surveillance video."

Neither has Mr. Obama who, as we all know made a press conference on the Zimmerman matter a few days after the controversial verdict. Of course, it is politically correct for African Americans to assault and batter Caucasians.

Obama is giving Putin the cold shoulder

"President Obama is giving Vladimir Putin the cold shoulder, canceling plans to meet with the Russian president next month amid tensions over the decision to grant NSA leaker Edward Snowden temporary asylum. "

Although it can be said that the Snowden incident is the last straw on a series of  disagreements between the leaders of the 2 most powerful nations. Being the support the Kremlin has given to the Assad regime in the Syrian war  on the top of the list.

Kudos to Mr. Obama for this decision, a line had to be drawn, and he just did that.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

And the most NAIVE headline goes to...USA TODAY and their "Arrest could break cartel's hold in Mexico"

Although we applaud his arrest,  it is illusory and naive to think it will break cartel's hold on Mexico. His lieutenants must be, by now, plotting to kill each other in an attempt to seize power in the cartel. It is how that business works, with blood, sweat and bullets.The government should have seized the opportunity to simply crush them, but the priority was to just parade Trevino in a good old fashioned publicity stunt.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jury finda Goerge Zimmerman not guilty on all charges

As I expected, and any reasonable legal mind should have, a Florida jury acquitted Mr. George Zimmerman on all the charges in the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin back in February 2012.

Dear readers, let's remember our criminal justice system's foundation is that the prosecution must prove his case beyond reasonable doubt. In a society easily influenced by the media, it is easy to loose our perspective. Let's keep that in mind.

As the Judge reminded the jury, I remind everyone,
"Your verdict should not be influenced by feelings of prejudice, bias or sympathy," Judge Debra Nelson told the jury, reading from a 27-page set of instructions. "Your verdict must be based on the evidence, and on the law contained in these instructions."

This was not a slam dunk case, like the infamous Rodney King case more than 2 decades ago. The Zimmerman case was polluted by reasonable doubt from the get go. Are we to send a person to jail under such circumstances?

I  agree with many legal experts who thought the prosecution had a weak case based largely on circumstantial evidence. Some said the state could possibly succeed if they appealed to the emotions of jurors. However, sympathy was not supposed to play a part in the verdict and defense attorneys reminded jurors of that fact repeatedly.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Russia orders typewritters to prevent data leaks

After a flurry of headlines involving international espionage and intelligence leaks, Russia is taking an old-fashioned approach to the new face of security: the humble typewriter.

The Telegraph reports that the Federal Guard Service (FSO) has placed an order for 20 German-made electric typewriters. The FSO is an agency tasked with Russian communications and President Vladimir Putin's safety.

The FSO declined to comment to The Telegraph on the reason behind the order, but told Russia's Izvestiya paper it was concerned with protecting their national secrets from leaking.

"After scandals with the distribution of secret documents by WikiLeaks, the exposes by Edward Snowden, reports about Dmitry Medvedev being bugged during his visit to the G20 London summit (in 2009), it has been decided to expand the practice of creating paper documents," the source told Izvestiya.
That is what I call creativity. Obviously,  printing physical documents alone ensures that data isn't stored on a computer drive, preventing anyone from making a copy, hacking into servers full of confidential data, or leaking said data to the press. Not to mention that you can easily hold accountable whoever is in charge of typing and archiving classified documents for any leaks if they manage to make it out of the chain of custody.

оздравления - paz-drav-'le-ni-ya!

Obama dissapointed with China over Snowden

"The President expressed his disappointment and concern with China's handling of the Snowden case," said the White House.

Has the President realized that China is not an ally? I wonder if also thinks that Russia is a trustful friend.  That is all I have to say about this particular news.

Zimmerman trial jurors begin deliberations

Jurors have begun deliberating whether former neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman is responsible for the killing of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed 17-year-old shot to death in February 2012.

And it should be the jurors who decide this man's fate  based on reviewing all the evidence presented to them during the trial, NOT based on what the media, politicians or political activist fed us throughout all this sand process. 

Snowden to seek asylum in Russia

As expected Edward Snowden will seek political asylum in Russia while he can find a way out to sunny South America. Snowden said Friday that he has no regrets over leaking details about U.S. electronic spying networks and is seeking temporary asylum in Russia until he can reach one of the Latin American countries that has offered to take him in.

"That moral decision to tell the public about spying that affects all of us has been costly, but it was the right thing to do and I have no regrets," he told a group of human rights activists and other public officials at a meeting at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, where he has taken refuge since June 23.

Some of us are just wondering if he also calculated the risk of collateral damage by the means of endangering U.S.  military personnel and civilians when he reached his "moral decision" I guess it is perfectly moral to endanger your own fellow citizens at the expense of becoming a "defender and hero of freedom" and " U.S. "oppression".

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Relevant facts or factoids?

Greetings to all, I have not touched the blog since March. I have been thinking how to re-tool it. After much thought, I arrived to the conclusion of just make comments on relevant news and events, and people, of course. So I changed the name of the blog...again.

What has happened since March? Pretty much a little bit about everything. Two maniacs planted some deadly bombs during the last mile of the Boston Marathon, totally despicable and sick. One got killed, the other one almost, and I expect him to rot in jail for the rest of his life. That was easy, unbiased reporting, right? No it was not, but I am sure it reflects the thoughts of many many people. Besides, I am not a reporter, I am a law student on his last year of school. Did I mentioned I also have a medical degree?

The IRS was caught in a major scandal for targeting Tea Party organizations. Nice move, whoever orchestrated that move should get the award for DUMBEST IDEA of the century. Granted Tea Party members are perceived as fanatics, ultra-conservative fanatics that are one notch below Charedi communities. But as in the case of my adorable Charedi counterparts, an eccentric belief does not warrant government persecution. We leave that to other governments, not ours.

Last but not least, there was a huge Tornado that ripped through Oklahoma. Unbelievable? Not at all, that area is prone to that, so in reality it was a matter of time before something of that magnitude could happen. Lots of lives lost, but we can't really blame anything or anybody. If there is a lesson learned from this is that we are mere mortals that somehow and sometimes refuse to deal with our mortality, especially when we are at the mercy of mother nature, whom we have developed an uncanny ability to underestimate. Time to rebuild, time to help, time to heal. Time to acknowledge our humanity.

Good night to all!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I have not touched this site in months. Why? I don't have anything relevant to say. If I had short punch lines to say, there is twitter for that. What is relevant? Depends who you ask. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand. In other words, no bull crap. Since I did not had any significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand for pretty much anything, I decided not to post. Now, I still do not have any significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand to say, yet I decided to post all this shit on the word relevant. If you ask a lawyer what is relevancy, he or she will tell you affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion. In our case, absolutely nothing. I do not have anything to prove or disprove the matter at issue other than the word relevant. That said, I cannot prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion: relevancy. 

However, it can be said that this entire short piece of editorial or shit, is a good example that the word relevant and the concept of relevancy is in fact relevant, because all I am saying is not relevant to anything other than talking about relevancy. 

You know what?  Never mind, all what I just said, is irrelevant.

Monday, January 21, 2013

God is It

God can live without us...but why did It created us then? So we can worship It? Then if It needs our worship,it can't live without us.Why do I refer to God ans It? Very easy, God is not a he, nor a she, it has no form, it is energy, thus it is It

Monday, January 14, 2013

Today I took the plunge and signed off Facebook. Why did I commit such an act of sacrilege? Simple, Facebook sucks, its overrated and is full of gas, or full of people full with a lot of gas. The same kind of gas we find in a methane plant.

Main reasons why I quit Facebook?

1-It is overrated, like a belly button, every one's got one.

2- My friend's constant rants about the economy and how this country is going straight to hell due to lack of conservative values. This is a guy who thinks to have all the economic solutions of the Nation. If that was the case what is he doing still selling tickets for an airline as a ticket agent at a major airport during the last 24 years? The same guy, just because he visited NASA a couple of times with his kid, pretends to be an aerospace engineer or an astrophysicist. No wonder he has been dumped, I mean, divorced twice.

3- My wife's niece who thinks she has Jesus Christ grabbed by his balls. Grow up!! The universe does not spin around you! She sees herself as the next Selena Gomez.

4- My daughter's constant broadcasting of every single detail of her life, including when she has arguments with us (her parents) for any little stupid thing that crosses her mind. Grow up dear, I love you, but there is something called privacy that you should begin treasuring dear. I do, reason why I signed off. This is a child who has over 1,000 Facebook friends. Really? Friends?
I guess the word friend is also overrated, thank you Facebook.

5- I got tired of family members and friends showing off their so called perfect lives so everyone who knows them, and those who don't, get to know how good they are having it. Nice show, but for those of us with a little bit of modesty, we know it is just an elaborated act to keep up with social appearances and a bottomless thirst of competing against each other.

6- Social media sucks, yes, I said it, Facebook, twitter, instagram etc, they all suck. They have made our lives become cheap versions of the Truman Sow.

7- I got better things to do with my spare time, like venting out on this blog. And anyone who has ever seen this blog knows I don't tend to post much stuff after all. Why? Precisely because I got better things to do with my life and time.

8- Coworkers who not only after spending 8 stinking hours of their lives in our hell hole office together, want to tag each other and post likes and poke each other online. Sickening.

9- Did I mention my own vain attempts to post positive philosophical and spiritual  messages  to try to influence the aforementioned pack of social-media butterflies into remembering that life is short, and we should strive and do our best to be better human beings and care more for each other, because in the end, G-d does not give a damn about where you spent your vacations, how cool your newest car is, or how cool you think you are for being cool, or how many posts, tweets, likes, followers and crap like that you get. Yes, that too. I got tired of my own futility.

 Any typographical errors are meant to show you how human I am.  :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


OK, so here is my first post of the year.

Religions are man made, G-d did not invented religions, men, just like you and me did. Mankind is the most intellectually curious creature on the phase of earth. If you don't believe me, just take a peek at the advances of modern medicine, nuclear energy, physics, computer sciences and aerospace engineering.

Religions were made out of our own curiosity when we could not explain natural phenomena. Of course, I will see the occasional argument about G-d revealing himself to Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and the classic argument from my fellow Jews that Judaism is the only religion revealed to an entire nation. Of course, none of my fellow Jews has been able to logically explain me how come if G-d revealed Itself (I wrote Itself, because G-d has no form, not human form, although the Torah is filled with a god with too many human traits like anger) why, if G-d indeed revealed Itself to at least 600,000 people and as many as 3 million as my fellow Jews claim, there are no more accounts of such grandiose events other than those from Moses and his clan? I see no difference between this account and the other alleged revelations as long as there are no other sources to corroborate it. What was the problem? A literacy problem? Moses was the only one who could read and write? Really? Out of at least 600 thousand and as much as 3 million people? Are you serious? Lets face it, Moses wrote the Torah and all the 613 commandments to give a set of laws of morality, economic, social and ethic behavior to a nation that had the notoriety of having a short fuse and lack of patience. LAWS of conduct for the sake of argument.

G-d never had the need for us to sacrifice animals for his appeasement or as offerings. G-d is BIGGER than that, pretending to accept by blind faith that G-d asked from men sacrifices is attributing G-d with human traits of demand and satisfaction. G-d does not need sacrifices, and never needed them. Moses made that up, maybe he thought he was being inspired by  G-d, but that is not the same as being inspired by a faith in a god. By making those sacrifices and following the new set of 613 rules or laws, the people would be able to show obedience, respect, deference an some sort of civility.

The moment we divorce our minds from the man made concept of G-d and sacrifices, let it be human (the death of Jesus washing mankind's sins) or animal (the ritualistic sacrifices at the Temple) and the blind belief that G-d had to confide his secrets to a select few (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism etc) or to an entire nation (Judaism, that no one else can account for other than the writer of the Torah), then at that moment we separate ourselves from such man made beliefs, we will understand the ultimate true concept of G-d and the laws of the universe that we live in.

I am sorry I have to part ways with my religion this way, but I have no other choice but to follow my conscience, which is based on reasoning and logic, not blind faith on man made sociocultural clubs.

I am  a Jew of logic and reasoning, based on science and facts, not blind superstitious faith on man made rituals. G-d is ABOVE and BEYOND such things.